Sugarbeet root maggot, springtails, and wireworms are just some of the many insects that cause production issues in sugarbeets. Part of a successful planting strategy should include an insecticide followed up by weekly crop scouting to stay ahead of any issues that may arise.
Chlorpyrifos Registered Products - 5.1.2024
2025 Root Maggot Reference Card
North Dakota Insect Management Guide
Chlorpyrifos letter to shareholders - 2.21.2022
Minnesota Dept of Ag: General Water Quality BMPs for all Agricultural Insecticides
Minnesota Dept of Ag: Neonicotinoids BMPs
Sugarbeet Root Maggot
Maggot Forecast Map
Sugarbeet Root Aphid
YWTG Sugarbeet Root Maggots - 2023