The American Crystal Agronomy App is now available for iPhone and Droid mobile technologies. The App utilizes information from the North Dakota Agriculture Weather Network (NDAWN) to customize recommendations for sugarbeet growers in North Dakota and Minnesota. From the list of NDAWN stations, a user can select the weather station nearest to their location to view weather data, soil temperature information, and conditions that favor disease and insect development on demand and in the field. Ten minute updates will be added to additional stations throughout the season. Tap once on the map, graph, or Last Ten Minutes to zoom-in.
Growers with Waterhemp resistance to glyphosate need to consider extra measures to control this weed problem in 2014. Most serious problems are in Cass, Clay, Wilkin and Richland counties. ACSC agriculturists collected weed seed from many fields in September and October. These samples were evaluated for resistance by Dr. Kirk Hawatt, Weed Scientist at NDSU. During the Winter and Spring of 2014 plants were treated with 0, 22, 44 and 66 oz./acre of Roundup Powermax. None of the Redroot or Powell pigweed survived. Nearly all of the Waterhemp samples had survivors. Lambsquarters from one field in southern Cass County also was resistant to glyphosate.
Contact your agriculturist for help with the App, or about resistant weed management.