KOCHIA WAS HISTORICALLY THE MOST CHALLENGING WEED TO CONTROL in the sugarbeet crop. Sugarbeet weed control systems with conventional varieties demanded use of every weed control method available even then Kochia control was often inadequate. Roundup Ready® variety technology enabled growers to achieve complete Kochia control with ease. Growers must be proactive in developing entire farm resistant weed management programs in 2013 and preserve use of glyphosate for weed control in sugarbeet. Kochia resistance has now been documented in nearly all Great Plains states.What action will be implemented on your farm to manage resistant weeds in 2013?
Resistant Weeds Confirmed in American Crystal Sugar Company Growing Area:
- Common Ragweed
- Giant Ragweed
- Waterhemp
- Kochia
- Horseweed/Marestail

Image provided by: Drs. Jeff Stachler, Jeff Gunsolus, Mike Christoffers, and Kirk Howatt
Maximize Glyphosate Performance
- Apply glyphosate at highest labeled rates to prevent weed escapes
- Know the surfactant load of the glyphosate
- Always add the proper amount of AMS
- Use the correct AMS product
- Water conditioning agents without use of proper AMS rates are not acceptable
- Refer to "Glyphosate Formulations for Roundup Ready® Sugarbeet in 2013" - available from your agriculturist.
Resistant Weed Control Strategies
- Use different modes of action in rotational crops
- Use soil applied PPI and PRE applications
- Tank mix other modes of action with glyphosate
- Keep small grain herbicides in rotation
- Use Liberty Link technology
Considerations Using Different Modes of Action in Other Crops
- Use no Pursuit or Atrazine due to carry over risk
- Be aware of plant back to sugarbeet rotational restrictions
- See ND Weed Control Guide for effectiveness of herbicide choices on specific resistant weeds, page 119-125
Develop a Long Term Weed Resistance Management Plan for Your Entire Farm
- Visit with your agriculturist
- Visit with your ag chemical supplier
- Visit with your crop consultant
- Visit with your extension agent/specialist
- See 2012 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports, pages 58-64 for waterhemp control strategies
Glyhosate-Resistant Kochia - Richland County, ND - 2012