The Sugarbeet Research and Education Board of Minnesota and North Dakota have wisely invested growers check off dollars to solve critical problems facing the industry for the last 35 years. Dedicated scientists at NDSU, the University of Minnesota, USDA and other universities have been held accountable for grant dollars received. Each year results of research are analyzed and improved recommendations to increase yield and quality are developed. This Ag Notes is a brief summary of highlights from some of this recent research. More information will be published in the Annual Research and Extension reports that will be available by the end of January. Review these reports for more complete data on results discussed.
Considerably more corn and soybeans are now grown in the Red River Valley compared to 10 or 15 years ago. Dr. A. Sims, University of Minnesota is evaluating previous crop effects on sugarbeet yield and quality.
Micronutrients studies were conducted at three sites in the Red River Valley near Waukon, east of Ada and east of Glyndon in 2007.
Fertilization Agriculturists have raised concern about the need for potassium fertilizer on lower organic matter sandy textured soils in the Red River Valley. It’s important to keep in mind that corn and soybeans remove 2 to 3 times more K per acre than wheat or barley. This may lower K soil test levels and increase the chance of sugarbeet response to K fertilizer.
The Red River Valley map shows the areas where Boron deficiencies were observed in 2006. Areas of sandy soil on the west edge of the RRV may also be prone to some deficiencies.
Never apply any fertilizer nutrient without a soil test showing a need for fertilization. Contact your Agriculturist or university soils specialist for assistance. Over application of Boron can cause toxicity to the crop.
American Crystal Sugar Company will not be hosting an Allied Industry meeting this winter.