Weed control is critical to advanced sugarbeet production. Proper timing and responsible herbicide usage are critical to short-term and long-term profitability. Being timely with herbicide applications is essential as the greatest opportunities to control weeds is when they are small, even when using Roundup®/Glyphosate.
Using only Roundup® throughout crop rotations can be a recipe for disaster. Combat weed resistance by scouting fields to identify escapes, tank mix herbicides with different modes of action (MOA), and rotate herbicide MOA in consecutive years. Good crop rotations help accomplish this, and having wheat or barley is also beneficial. The main goal is to prevent weed seed production.
Pre-Emerge & Layby Herbicide Options - 2025
Pesticide Use Chart - 2025
North Dakota Weed Control Guide
Dual Magnum Indemnified Label Process (Instructions)
Minnesota Department of Ag Best Management Practices
Herbicide Rate Calculator
This application will help the user calculate herbicide rates and cost per acre. Be sure to check out the reference sheets available. They provide additional information on micro rates, conventional rates, preharvest intervals, field reentry intervals and rainfast.
Weeds Identification and Control
Herbicide Injury